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Introducing CRM and Enterprise Integration Solutions through Inaport

For a CRM environment to work effectively it needs to be connected to all sources of client data; from back office systems such as ERP and HR, to web-based sources such as Marketing Automation and applications such as Excel and Access.

With Inaport’s intuitive, code-free approach you can integrate any data – whether it’s in the cloud or on-premise, part of the company’s data cache or from an external provider. Information can be moved immediately or scheduled, and if there are data inconsistencies, errors or duplicates, these can be found and fixed.

Inaport by Inaplex


License Type


Installation Services

Integration / Migration Assistance


CAD, $ USD, $

Product Overview

Integration and Migration for GoldMine

Inaport is a full featured integration and migration product with specialized functionality to support GoldMine cloud and on premise. No matter where data resides, or how much you need to move, Inaport’s rich matching, strong performance optimization, and full logging can move all company details – safely and securely.

Virtual Tables

When mapping to GoldMine, Inaport provides virtual tables that mask the complexity of the GoldMine schema. For example, virtual tables for mapping to contact email address or web address

Automated Processes

Attach a contact to an Automated Process during an import


Add a contact to a static group during import

Relationship Tree Builder

GoldMine Relationship Trees are very useful, but there is limited support in GoldMine for building and supporting them. If you want to make a tree with more than a single level, or with anything other than simple selection criteria, it has to be done manually. Inaport gives you the ability to:

  • model simple and complex trees;
  • preview the trees before building;
  • build trees based on data in tables other than CONTACT1 (e.g. history or opportunities);
  • build and re-build trees as required, or automate the process


Supported GoldMine Versions

GoldMine 2013.x, 2014.x, 2015.x, 2016.x, GoldMine 9.x, GoldMine 8.x, GoldMine 7.x

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Addons & Integrations

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